July/August 2004


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At the Beaver Ponds by Rex Allen Norman

Smoke Signals
Prime Possibles
The Far West Tobacco & Pipes of the Mountaineers - Rex Allen Norman
Gunsmith of Grenville County Exploring & Restoring an Original Rifle by Caspar Fordney - Peter A. Alexander
Cache of the Hollow Tree Old Virginia: Part One - Tony Hunter
Shooting the Bull Shooting at Night - Mike Nesbitt
Eyewitness to History The French and Indian War: Episode Three - Jim Crutchfield
Gather 'Round the Stove
Western Backtracks Against the Odds - Ronald Kil
When This You See, Remember Me - Lee A. Larkin
Bent's Old Fort on the Arkansas - Michael R. Phillips
Cutting to the Person - Amanda Lipps
Lewis and Clark, America's First Westerners: Part 4 - Gary J. Peterson
Lapping the Rifle Bore - Fred Stutzenberger
Invasion of Canada - Earl Echelberry
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