March/April 2000


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Caught in Midstream by Robert Griffing

Smoke Signals
Prime Possibles
A Pilgrim's Journey Finding a Frontier Place - Mark A. Baker
The Gunsmith of Grenville County Rifling the Barrel - Peter A. Alexander
Tidings from the 18th Century Employ'd in My Garden - Beth Gilgun
Eyewitness to History The Bullwhacker of the Plains - Jim Crutchfield
Engraved Powder Horns A True American Art Form and the Quest to Recreate Them - Paul R. Jones
Cache of the Hollow Tree The Birch-Bark Canoe Voyages of Henry David Thoreau: Part I - Tony Hunter
Western Backtracks Looking for a Better Fight - Ronald Kil
Gather 'Round the Stove
The Short Rifles of the Lewis and Clark Expedition - Michael H. Maggelet
A New Booshway at T.V.M. - Mike Nesbitt
Joseph Doddridge A Window to the Frontier - Curt Schmidt
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