March/April 2009


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American Graffiti by Kevin J. McDonald

"Ol' Tacky," Mike Nesbitt;
"Capt. John Smith-The First English Frontiersman: Part One," Tony Hunter;
"Fort Laramie: The Crossroads of the West," Rex Allen Norman;
"A Coffin-Handle Bowie from a Corn Knife," T.C. Albert,
"Corp of Topographical Engineers," Jim Crutchfield;
"An Awesome Journey," Lowell Haarer;
"Reflections on Carving the American Longrifle," Robert Crowley;
"Rushlights: Details from a Primary Source," Jody Fraser;
"At the Pawnees's: Part One," Alex Miller;
"A Pennsylvania Treasure Lost," Thomas Romanchock;
"Indentured Servitude," Gerry Barker;
"The Big Squirrel Hunt," Teddy Johnson.